Thursday, January 17, 2008

Will Expired Chicken Broth Harm You.

High Noon

Baby Götterdämmerung, but really now. Basically, today is exactly the same as what I already spread in that text yesterday. What should I now add large? The fact is that tomorrow morning I will be operated on, with near-certainty. I understand that I am the first on the list and only a disaster could now get in your way. Now I can not help to make their comments, as it is to be expected anyway. Of course I'm not keen on the whole. I fear the pain and I fear, perhaps even more, the shortness of breath. Furthermore, I thought the contrary, that there are any people fuss around in my body. Perhaps I would all go easy if I had any physical problems. But this is not the case. I feel perfectly healthy. So it is purely from a subjective point of view be so that you can put an agile man into a sleep from which awakens in a heap again. All this is apparently meaningless.

But what should bring the complaining ... This approach has provided the destiny for me and it is pointless now to weigh the pros and cons. As of now it means is: eyes and go.
(However, I will close my eyes until I am back in my room. Otherwise, the way there too blessurenreich.)

PS I will make sure that the result the surgery as quickly penetrates to the world public. Just take a look now and then in the comment section of this post. I myself will certainly call again to speak, if I'm somewhat back on his feet. To (hopefully) soon!


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