10th .. 9 .. 8th .. 7th .. 6th ..
Oh, there's reason to blog again ... My goodness, all the strange ... Half an hour I had alone used to drop down the laptop. Oh well.
"flip" By the way, I hope, will work with my upcoming surgery everything. For all those who have not switched on until now: it will operate me metastases from the left lung. I'm nervous and scared and yet also a little glad that it is now again under way. No idea what to expect, how the clinic will be and how annoying it is to me soon so. I will (leave) report. The written word in brackets is relevant if there is no Internet, in this special clinic, which I would inhabit today or tomorrow.
So, while it will initially left. It's late and tomorrow morning I out.
Because: The countdown is on. You give me a trumpet, so I can play a glorious melody. And then it hit me luck. Tätärätääää.
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