Thursday, January 17, 2008

Will Expired Chicken Broth Harm You.

High Noon

Baby Götterdämmerung, but really now. Basically, today is exactly the same as what I already spread in that text yesterday. What should I now add large? The fact is that tomorrow morning I will be operated on, with near-certainty. I understand that I am the first on the list and only a disaster could now get in your way. Now I can not help to make their comments, as it is to be expected anyway. Of course I'm not keen on the whole. I fear the pain and I fear, perhaps even more, the shortness of breath. Furthermore, I thought the contrary, that there are any people fuss around in my body. Perhaps I would all go easy if I had any physical problems. But this is not the case. I feel perfectly healthy. So it is purely from a subjective point of view be so that you can put an agile man into a sleep from which awakens in a heap again. All this is apparently meaningless.

But what should bring the complaining ... This approach has provided the destiny for me and it is pointless now to weigh the pros and cons. As of now it means is: eyes and go.
(However, I will close my eyes until I am back in my room. Otherwise, the way there too blessurenreich.)

PS I will make sure that the result the surgery as quickly penetrates to the world public. Just take a look now and then in the comment section of this post. I myself will certainly call again to speak, if I'm somewhat back on his feet. To (hopefully) soon!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Velcro Hair Straighteners

Uppers & Downers

God, I'm tired. Yesterday you have voluntarily given me a sleeping pill, because it was assumed that the fear of this day would not let me sleep. Which was not so, but unfortunately I have the ominous trend, all drug or drug-sniffing similar to first unconditionally to swallow eh. And after (possibly) ask again. So in this case. And what can I say, the thing seems to still work.

Just when I was a bit Tengelmann, I stock up on Red Bull. "Why?" shall ask her now. I have yet to stay sober. "Well now," I reply because, "unfortunately, there is the matter somewhat differently dar." Unfortunately, that is, unfortunately, which is now nothing. For reasons of time. And tomorrow, maybe not. Since you do any major surgery, for whatever reason. But on Friday, yes Friday, because then it should really be far off.

Well, now calmly beats her hands over her head. I have my jaded as I am now, given up long ago. I prefer another Red Bull, the show quite good effect. The nurse was amazed just not bad on my pulse from 135th Ah, but could give Red Bull wings really, as the advertisements promise ... Lung, I mean. Then had my problem and I would be done by on the way home.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

How To Hook Up Mpc With Mac

Baby Gotterdammerung

Ha, now I have to give me very very little trouble, as far as the literary embodiment of my word of the day. For once I have time that is not a nothing artificially inflate said playfully fuss. Because I have the hammer news. Or "Hammäneuigkeit", as one would say in Hessen.

morning I will operate. And for the last time not because then I 'll be dead, God forbid, but because everything should be absolutely no metastases are in my body. A few hard facts: I am the third surgery on the list, so the wait could drag on for surgery up in the afternoon. Until then I will have to fast, what will be terrible, no question. Theoretically, it could be true that the two previous operations take as much time, that the whole thing's going to be postponed to the next day, but we do not even hope. Well ... and thereafter shall be so I will stay about ten days in the hospital, two months after the operation, a control CT is made, will be decided on the basis of that on how best to proceed on account of the follow-up. And that's it for now. That's about it forever, hope I will!

Hmm, somehow makes me feel all this very strange ... I'm too uninspired to find appropriate words. But I'll report again tomorrow to speak briefly before it goes off. Until then, I try to collect a few more pregnant with meaning phrases. On that you are driven to tears in the eyes.

Sun, and now I have to my room and eat a whole bag Hanuta before it is eight clock. From then on, I am forbidden to eat. Me, poor devil ...

Monday, January 14, 2008

Camoflage Formal Gowns

News Ticker

is much to report it. Therefore, I report only that there is still nothing report admits.

Phew, now I myself am a little confused ... So, my point ... Oh yes, I just wanted to say that tomorrow I not be operated on. An exact date was not called me yet, but tomorrow definitely I will stay intact. This much I can say.

I just thought this info was important. Not that anyone crossing our fingers for nothing.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Superbowl Invittions Suggestions


Since I am here, my body is behaving oddly. Although I have been treated in any way, my blood pressure is too low. I am often out of nowhere states overwhelmed by fatigue, although I always pay attention to adequate sleep. This gives me a little concern. Tested sorry as I am, I wait every day to the next bad news. That I was telling other findings in my body. On the news that I was of death.

After a moment of reflection : Phew, what I write there?! And above all : as I write it? Obviously I have to extensively read, "The Possibility of an Island". An utterly fascinating novel. A great book! It is edifying reading clinic ... Well, what I really just want to say only: the doctor said today subject to change by Tuesday or Wednesday as a possible surgery. Did I have told you that ...

Maybe I was looking only for an opportunity to leave the room sometimes. This portal may not be the truth, but at least offers me here for a small, temporary escape. The possibility of an island just.

Au revoir ...

Friday, January 11, 2008

Styrofoam Repair Hobby Shops

What's On? Running:

So, now I am standing here - which in itself is worth a story, because I will soon lie flat already - back at the crappy computer terminal to my not so shitty ideas despite more painful feet in a matter of some appropriate form to . bring Okee, so goes to's ...

Um ...

So, the hospital is still not too bad. The town of Bad Nauheim either. Unfortunately, "not bad" but somehow related by "boring", which means that I am currently here be boring at a fairly high level. A small, unexpected highlight was yesterday Bronchialdingsbums, well, I mean, this a lung examination. A highlight is why, as I had been drugged for it with any opiate, which meant that I woke up follows Tasik went ... Since I have no words. No, really: I actually have no words. If hot, I know absolutely not what I have in the ten minutes after waking Sun hingebrabbelt before me. It must have been yielding to Steiner. Actually I do not want the anesthesiologist again . Meet He certainly has gained a very disturbing insight into my psyche. Otherwise

is still the daily lung Training mention. And this above all this, because of my extremely ambivalent relationship. Very positive to mention is that the leader of the training ... So the coach ... Sun follows hot is that I almost feel privileged to be a guest of this house. Unfortunately, my Mitlungenkranken, almost all smelly pensioners, what we noticed as a Incisor informed and provide each other with stale jokes, in the desperate hope that she can somehow jump on it. I hate them all.

Speaking of hatred, someone is sitting in my neck, would also like to the terminal. This one stinks terribly. Must .. the .. Entry ... early ... Cancel ...

Over ...

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Ultra Viloet Light Semen And Womens Bodily Fluids

is not critical, but politically (a bit)

So, now I'm so arrived at the hospital. Which means that I have received, not only my room, but also (almost) all entrance examinations taken behind me. Only the bronchoscopy is still missing. This will be done tomorrow morning.

The room I currently inhabit (but only temporarily) has, incidentally, no internet. That is why I blog just by a kind of terminal, located at the entrance. Very strange, I hope I did this in my actual room more luck. Soon I will not ever be the first that is mobile.

This "soon" can be dated to the way early next week. Until then, I have the grace period and, moreover, the privilege of exploring the city of Bad Nauheim in detail. The Hessians'll also be a thoroughly nice impression. If all men are grundgut in this state as it is the case in this hospital, Roland Koch is indeed something of abkacken. The movie is amazing! He will feel as if he had been beaten by five U-Bahn ...

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Free Ftv Movies Online

10th .. 9 .. 8th .. 7th .. 6th ..

Oh, there's reason to blog again ... My goodness, all the strange ... Half an hour I had alone used to drop down the laptop. Oh well.

"flip" By the way, I hope, will work with my upcoming surgery everything. For all those who have not switched on until now: it will operate me metastases from the left lung. I'm nervous and scared and yet also a little glad that it is now again under way. No idea what to expect, how the clinic will be and how annoying it is to me soon so. I will (leave) report. The written word in brackets is relevant if there is no Internet, in this special clinic, which I would inhabit today or tomorrow.

So, while it will initially left. It's late and tomorrow morning I out.

Because: The countdown is on. You give me a trumpet, so I can play a glorious melody. And then it hit me luck. Tätärätääää.