Thursday, November 8, 2007

Camera Inside Vajına

Nothing to say

second day of chemo and I feel really quite fine. In general, I am now come to a slightly more confident view of things. Because the last cycle was crappy so profoundly that I can actually surprised only positive. At least that's All to no longer meet in safety.

Well, I lie here and wait for things and especially new findings. Gladly I would find the situation or anything that should be documented worthwhile. But as it currently represents for me, the whole cancer thing is pretty out sucks, long but not worn out and that's the problem. I truly believe to have learned something and grown to the cause to be made of all this. I was now ready to tackle the rest of my life and significantly better than it has hitherto been the case. By not a few quirks I'm probably cured for all time. Unfortunately, the cancer is not only a good teacher, but also a huge asshole. He keeps me stuck here. Each morning of Groundhog Day again. There is nothing that I could do so, except to persevere and not to despair completely. And weiterzubloggen to find more new words, and for the unchanging misery. I know that these words are terribly bad weapons. Better I have not found yet, however.


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