Saturday, February 19, 2011

Campbell's Cheddar Cheese Soup Ground Meat

Guide: Learning

There are definitely more exciting things than learning for school, but unfortunately not before they run away sooner or later you have to sit down and cram something in the fabric: Wish me luck.. It is recommended to start earlier.

Some points to help me learn very successful:

first The place
A bright and quiet place where from time to time can be aired. Even if it is uncomfortable, it is often better (especially in the first learning phase) to learn at a table and not while lying on the bed or the like . Computers, TVs and other distractions should be eliminated and as far away from his place of learning (preferably in another room).

second Get organized
This one will not continue to be distracted, was not only for order be made on the desktop, but also in the entire environment. In addition, one should himself be "ordered", ie before combing hair, for example, not be in his pajamas, brushing teeth etc.


third Everything ready set
drinking, pencils, sheets, additional information ... the main thing you have to get up during the learning as little as possible.


4th The learning material
often split one's spirits up on learning when they see the page numbers. We do not know how and where to begin and denies himself learning easy. What helps, however, is the substance has to share some time before the meeting in small and meaningful themes and sections to create a small learning plan. For example, a portion of each day writing and learn to summarize.


5th Time limits set
procrastination knows determined at any! This will not make the whole day busy with learning and may also address other, more interesting things you should last timeout.
Under time pressure, most people are much more productive, so just say "So, these 2 pages I need in half an hour to summarize in writing".


6th The learning material summarized
the subject matter is again summarized in writing on paper rather handy, because you are writing down already saves a lot and the list later everywhere lugging, since they are much lighter and handier than books and folders.
is important to read the texts thoroughly and to take in their own words, because that is the information age the way to mind much faster than in the books swollen tongue.
Who writes orderly, structured information, color-coded sections, highlighting particularly important information learning can perhaps even photographic memory used.


how I manage to mostly 50 pages and worksheets in a small but intensive learning hours to reduce to 10-15 learning leaves, which I now and then during the ride , before bed etc look. The day before the exam I learn nothing new and the fabric repeat only once thoroughly
have all the difficulties with learning, the learning method a try. I know it's hard to overcome inner weaknesses, but perhaps I was able to motivate some of you to learn.


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