Sunday, February 27, 2011

Beatmaking On Mpc 2000 Xl

interim presentation


Damn, I have a problem. It is now one half year, I took the challenge as part of an art project, which will be marked later to create concert posters for my school. I thought it would be nothing easier than that and saw my good art note come forward to me. Embarrassingly, a mid-morning presentation, and the only thing I have to show after all these months, is a tiny pile of loose sheets with unloving then lubricated pencil sketches. The rest is still in my head today, I have not put a nerve to my ideas at least on paper. I am once again failed at time management and have to consider a master plan now how can I sell the sketches well tomorrow. can (

Friday, February 25, 2011

Cervical Fluid 19 Day

Oreos at LIDL for 99 cents


still a small tip (not more widely available was for that price from last week):

had seen it in the brochure, but I've totally forgotten .. undzwar I was just at LIDL and there was the Oreo cookies for 99 cents (15 pieces or so). Have I taken the same
3 sticks, that I will possibly imitate Mius Oreopralinen . But I will probably make less.
The move is in full swing and it is veeery tiring, but I'm looking forward to my new room.

a reward, I will go myself some nice people eat delicious Korean buffet-sooooo yummy ~!


Saturday, February 19, 2011

Campbell's Cheddar Cheese Soup Ground Meat

Guide: Learning

There are definitely more exciting things than learning for school, but unfortunately not before they run away sooner or later you have to sit down and cram something in the fabric: Wish me luck.. It is recommended to start earlier.

Some points to help me learn very successful:

first The place
A bright and quiet place where from time to time can be aired. Even if it is uncomfortable, it is often better (especially in the first learning phase) to learn at a table and not while lying on the bed or the like . Computers, TVs and other distractions should be eliminated and as far away from his place of learning (preferably in another room).

second Get organized
This one will not continue to be distracted, was not only for order be made on the desktop, but also in the entire environment. In addition, one should himself be "ordered", ie before combing hair, for example, not be in his pajamas, brushing teeth etc.


third Everything ready set
drinking, pencils, sheets, additional information ... the main thing you have to get up during the learning as little as possible.


4th The learning material
often split one's spirits up on learning when they see the page numbers. We do not know how and where to begin and denies himself learning easy. What helps, however, is the substance has to share some time before the meeting in small and meaningful themes and sections to create a small learning plan. For example, a portion of each day writing and learn to summarize.


5th Time limits set
procrastination knows determined at any! This will not make the whole day busy with learning and may also address other, more interesting things you should last timeout.
Under time pressure, most people are much more productive, so just say "So, these 2 pages I need in half an hour to summarize in writing".


6th The learning material summarized
the subject matter is again summarized in writing on paper rather handy, because you are writing down already saves a lot and the list later everywhere lugging, since they are much lighter and handier than books and folders.
is important to read the texts thoroughly and to take in their own words, because that is the information age the way to mind much faster than in the books swollen tongue.
Who writes orderly, structured information, color-coded sections, highlighting particularly important information learning can perhaps even photographic memory used.


how I manage to mostly 50 pages and worksheets in a small but intensive learning hours to reduce to 10-15 learning leaves, which I now and then during the ride , before bed etc look. The day before the exam I learn nothing new and the fabric repeat only once thoroughly
have all the difficulties with learning, the learning method a try. I know it's hard to overcome inner weaknesses, but perhaps I was able to motivate some of you to learn.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Can You Pop A Syphilis Chancre Women

New Style YO! For now

Hey dear ones,

comes after the tests, a new post with my new style! - No nonsense, am just very very busy because we are moving soon and I (like I was stupid -.-) declared ready for some spaces have to be deleted.
My room is just sooo white, and I also - it is so corrosive! The first few minutes go ... but it will by and by .... stupid ....
Here I show you my Outfit that I wore - even with Nail:
color in your hair is shit! Above all, white color to black hair-I should have rausknibbeln before shampooing, now has the color is so dissolved that they stick to the scales in my hair -.-
paint the ceiling was the most stupid of me ... I would not emphasize real need .... and I deleted today than I was, I was always soooo bad when I've looked high .. booeh! Never again!
I look up to me already:)
Outfit: T Shirt Kik Kik pants, barefoot ...

Tomorrow I take a little break and go with my friend with a coupon Groupon eat chocolate fondue for 4 persons (12.5 € instead of 25 €) ... 4 drinks, cookies, marshmallows, fruit ... I'm happy: D

Next week I'll probably stop by some in Primark, semester break is really nice! Chinese Testing
Oh I passed with 1.0 (muhaaa-Summer is proud to be 真好 xD!)
I'm just waiting on my Geschichtspruefung tense, with some luck I do not have the writing out on 31.3 -.-

soon ( :


Sunday, February 13, 2011

Baby Constipation Cause Tylenol



pants now can be so depressing when you have small legs that are not long. It is almost a miracle if i find a perfectly fitting pants. Since I like to have frustrations out of the way, I use for a long time almost exclusively with dresses. If one day I'm rich, I hire a designer who draws up the pants tailored for me.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Write A Letter That Im Pregnant Template


Hellooo ~

I'm still alive, and finally all the exams behind me - for history I have learned so much, but somehow the questions were surprisingly shit>. \u0026lt;
We are also still around .. Stress after stress. 'm Currently really into the Disney rail. I recently Aladding again, Lady and the Tramp 2 and The Lion King 2 (which I have .. 100 views xD perceived).
about Zara ... I was recently before the Chinese test at Zara and saw a beautiful olive-colored parka in my size.
And my friend was there ... and of course he has persuaded me NOT to buy it

Toll-.-, after the history test, he was gone and it was in Cologne, the only in M. Moep!
always wanted to have white rose earrings & here they are ...
gaaaaanz ~ I will be much post:)

Kind regards, Lina

Cat In The Hat Rhyme Birthday Invite

Fathers ...

to go with my last "Who am I" post I recently searched the Internet in any mood for photos of my father ...
For all who do not know: I do not know him. My mother divorced when I was three or four - we moved to my grandparents, and since then I have had no contact with him.
It took me but never really interested, get to know him. My sister has met him some time ago, I also asked if I would like to see him, but the interest was not there.

What is this? Do we really father and mother? Is it really important to have a father - not simply enough, a male role - grandpa Uncle, neighbor - whom I always had.

What made me then actually still astonished that should it ever be my father, I have found ... He has a life! Until now it was for me always in the background, so to speak, a shadow person ... But why he should not have a "life" - to be with the fire brigade, the rescue, in the politics of location - wherever, at the local curling club, tennis, ...
He lives his life, goes on holiday, meets with friends, going to parties or balls, ... But why not?
I wonder often what I have of him could .. For me it was always like that for me only my family Mama was - my grandparents and aunts and uncles - there was no "you've made the family" - I always wanted to be like my grandma was and suddenly (no, not of course suddenly) I realize there are really another family. My cousin I have virtually been met and hopefully I get to know him personally time soon ... But if I want to know my Father also ...

I do not know .... maybe I am for him, too, just a "shadow person" ...

Friday, February 4, 2011

Remedy For Bad Taste From Biaxin



I wish I had more time to be spontaneous, because I have noticed that the results of my spontaneous activities are often better than the planned mine. Maybe I am wrong and also have plans for easy-to-high standards, at the end can not be met.
only stupid, it's hard to be spontaneous when you have already started to plan other things.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Does Trader Joes Have Beeswax

Who I am ...

posting this haunted me for so long around in my head today and hopefully I find the right words ..

Somehow we're all always on Looking for our own self .. in search and on the eternal way - because - we're changing so constantly, so we can never really find ourselves ... And so, I am always in search of my inner self and of course have an idea, because as I would like to be so.

Inspired by a cute little game in Facebook land, and fell by a discussion with friends about me today the following words:

Bravo, especially, beautiful, happy for everyone, everything to me, young, super, unique, curious, directly admirable, beautiful, masterly, children-loving, talkative, educated and still arrogant and affected ...

Of course I take the last two words at most. Where I now do not look that bad, because it is so then for me to work on it when I so will not be.
I am aware that not everyone sees me so, but it may well be that I am in certain situations as performing ... Then I
come to the question, as I really want to be ... I want to be a good mother - that is for me the most important - a good, loving, affectionate, funny mother! But, I would not even forget about me. Then I come on to the next point, which was said to me today: I'm incredibly happy to continue - out, the wine taverns, dance, cocktail drink - I enjoy it with friends to sit and chat - and - my friends are men ... I have many male friends - I like it simple - it is refreshing to have a different view of things, life can often enjoy more and thus I sometimes go alone with men continue to find it not bad.

I would like many children around me, I love children - they are so clueless, often without bias, they can heartily laugh without occur stupid here - children are life itself and I love each child - this wish I fill in my rainbow group and even if it is hard here and there, it's so nice to have around children ..

I want to do good. I want everyone to know that they can always come to me. No matter who it is and when it is. If someone in the middle of the night with me calling, because he needs help, I will always be for him.

I want to be happy and enjoy life - with every single pore of the lives suck, and in summer can feel the warm air, walk on wet grass, in winter the snow hear crunching under foot, observing the birds at the bird house - just the live to see and feel ..

And so I want to be .. a fun-loving, helpful, loving person who knows how to enjoy life ..

and I hope that I succeed!