Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Homade Rabbit Waterer

Advent ...

now it is So once again so far! I take my leave from the global Netzt. Not long - only 23 days.
But this year it is very difficult for me :-) - I like my Facebook family so much and I will each miss much.

But I have so much to do: there needs to be crafted and painted, embroidered and packaged, bought and cooked, decorated and sewn, and so on.
this I also all of my loved ones can do small things with pleasure.

I wish you all a wonderful Christmas season. Enjoy the quality time with your family, now and then decelerates the time and remembers you, but sometimes on what is actually being celebrated: namely, the celebration of love, gratitude, forgiveness and joy ...

soon my friends!

Monday, November 29, 2010

Next Day Knee Pain From Jumping

macro: D

Sooo times have some stuff.... selected the I wanted to photograph this with macro rings:)

Here are some results:

Saturday, November 27, 2010

How Much Does It Cost To Get A Headstone Cleaned


snuggling now we are all in the living room. The fire is burning in the oven .. Wilma snuggles up to Paul and Timothy to Pia. The cat sits by the window and see if there is something interesting out there.
And I - I am filled with satisfaction.
Somehow it seems to me like we would be in this world and more dissatisfied, although we are actually more than before. Nevertheless, I think it used to come was better. Slow, not so stressed. Today, we rush from one appointment to another, our busy schedules to write fully and have hardly had time to breathe.
And I concede that I follow this "trend". This year I've expected too much and clearly promt get to feel already.

But I have decelerated now, trust me sometimes to say something if I can not and do not visit just any evening event.
And I realize that I am better. If we, like yesterday, instead of coming to the visit to Vienna, home, and not jump into the warm clothes to be back to leave the house and go to the next party - just stay at home.
That was so beautiful yesterday. Pia has spread all over the room her Barbie stuff, Paul has painted, we have been heated and drank tea, played a game and spent a pleasant evening.

And for that I am so grateful that I've managed to overcome the restless in me. To regain inner peace and not as driven to seek the society. So I'm

grateful for what I have here and when I turn a lot Society needs, I also know where to find it :-)

Nissan Xtrail Roof Rail

completed cabinet + macro rings arrived!


today I finally finished my closet:) Unfortunately, in my room just so terrible light.

ignore the chaos of newspapers xD I will possibly upload times ne small series of pictures to when I have time. Have ) can also be done at the price not much wrong had not expected much, but honestly it is okay to date - recently purchased at Dealextreme.com cheap macro rings ($ 9 + free shipping). Practice must only focus with what etc..
Here is a result with only one ring.
Somehow I do not have time when I have to bum time I get a guilty conscience, because I could actually learn ._____.


Friday, November 26, 2010

Morrowind Game Of The Year Patch V1.6.1820

everything and cold

Heading to a photo shoot. I could not really be today some pictures of me to make.
I know that it snows every year, but I admire the first snow lie the remains of a small child who has never seen snow. First, it is always a great feeling morning pull the blinds and see that everything is white. Also, I love it after such a long time to run back across the snow and to hear him crunching under my feet. look

time how long it lasts this year until I start the snow and the cold curse ...

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Finally I have the boots keep my feet warm, too! These are
of reiterstiefel.de

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Pokemon Vba Blue Cheats

Gray Gray Gray

Today I finally the shoes I wanted [yes they once had in beige] displayed in gray:) Before that I had
39 and that was too big-38 and finally gray
(Unfortunately, I now feel that I must have it in beige -. -)

Expectant the next days trying> to get "man, why should women always be so complicated -. oh, I'd still like to like the area, the Manas & Wedges from Primark

Saturday, November 20, 2010

How To Adjust Steam Heat



'm sooo busy at the weekend-haha-even more than university times. Mc Donald's in permanent and I have a new little Project started undzwar olles my shelf, which is certainly already 10 years old aufzuhübschen.
Here is an intermediate state:
am again away:)

kisses, your Lina

Friday, November 19, 2010

Free Timber Barn Plans

Yomoy Review for Jelly Bath


I have the Jelly SPA Bath by Yomoy tested and introduce you to it and it is also Rated tough:)
Yomoy.de price is 11,90 € plus 3,90 € - for a bath.
The package was HUGE arrived, they had not expected so large, much of it there was not.

addition to including a short description, two bags were there, the big blue Bag was the step 1 and step 2, the small white bag - more on that.

So here a short description of Yomoy.de "Spa Jelly Bath is a powder that you put it in the bathtub. Within minutes, your bath water smells then not only pleasant lavender, jasmine and bergamot, but it changes too Wellness in a viscous jelly from thousands of small beads! Due to the slightly stronger form, the water collects the heat 3-4 times longer than normal water. "

I can fill up the bathtub and the blue powder, which the water should turn into jelly nähflüssiges into tilted and Sogut as possible, "agitated" and distributed.
Man could see very well as an increasing number of small transparent jelly balls floated in the water, unfortunately it was not inevitable that small clumps Created:

(The Yellow has been of ner lose color rubber duck, has nothing to do with the transparent jelly emulate)
I tried frimeln the clumps apart later, what unfortunately is not successful-if they are flabby, they stay that way! Here

much you the consistency of the pearls, but unfortunately I did not feel that all the water was turned into jelly, much more developed many individual small beads - so superficially, it looked perfect as water from.
But there was one not to get your hands out of the water without jelly turn have-very amusing:)

The promised fragrance has been followed, it raw very pleasant and welcoming, not if intrusive or chemically. The "spa" effect was also observed, it feels really great in the small beads are too-similar to the sea where the sand is easily rinsed from the waves around the body.
What I have not noticed, unfortunately, is that "something more solid form" (as Yomoy) describes the heat stored longer than water, but I find that cooled jelly is bearable as cooled Water in the bathtub.

After bathing, one should the 2nd Reintun bag so that the Jelly completely turned back into the original state-hmm, worked not as hoped. Although you could tell that there was less Jelly, but I would say it was less than half turned back into water.
I climbed out of the bathtub to shower for me and of course all over the floor, the towels first, the jelly stuff. Abdu went really easily rinse down, easy, and the Jelly removed from the body.

order in the Bad: Okay, it is really difficult to keep the bathroom quite jelly-free during and after the Spa Jelly Bath. As you in the penultimate See picture, is also everywhere on the pool deck the jelly, anywhere where water would otherwise get there too.

Conclusion: As the Christmas Jelly SPA Bath is recommended by my side, it is about 12 € with gifts in good price range and is something to be different than typical 0815 gifts, mom or girlfriend happy about it certainly. However, I would
the Jelly Bath not buy yourself a regular basis, although it is a very interesting and fun bath experience, simply because of the price.

Eure Lina

Käsemacceroni I've tested from the pack (Bäääh!) - will maybe next Post report on the speedy makes Primark in Gelsenkirchen - I Froi me: D

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

When I Take Coconut Oil Gives Me Gas

Ladenzeile.de name

The name contest: Post name and win with some luck 5x500 EUR plus 1000 € Special price. Click to join: row of shops name contest
€ 399.95 * (free shipping)
180,00 € * (P: 4,95 €)
found in pockets
175,00 € * (7 € + 1,50 € ...)
found in Easy Chairs
499,00 € * (P: 25,90 €)
159,90 € * (P: 6.95 €)
* price may have increased since the last update! More info

Plans How To Build A Bridge Using Popsicles

Study 2010

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Some years ago I could still say "I've still got time," but so slow I have to quit Prokrastinieren and get intensively with my future. I'm generally very often difficult decision, especially if I consider a large selection is offered (in this profession). I find it easier to say what I want not , than to identify what I want.
Add to this that I will live out my strengths and my job to earn some money on the condition that / wants. I think the reason why I had so far had no specific career aspirations, is that I simply knew too little jobs.

The last problem was eliminated after I have studied the studies & professional catalog thoroughly. Then I could also select an interior . Meet A dream job I still do not, but are present in all media-related recall first degree courses.
And so it went for me today (totally exhausted with aching muscles from yesterday's hurdles) of the breathe Media University in Stuttgart to be in some degree programs. Was very very great and first confirmed that it is the right direction.

And what about with your future?

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Monday, November 15, 2010

Woke Up New Mole That Hurts

Hui-home before dark!

Wow-what a miracle, I was home before it was dark outside.
I you would like an outfit picture shown, unfortunately, I'm feeling uncreative and greased to ensure- hope that this complex or too fat, now go away: D - Here's a picture of my ear plugs (Wow-the equivalent of less than 1 € from HK from the market)



Sunday, November 14, 2010

Opi Axxium Indianapolis

Eyeko - Cosmic Polish


here a new post next to my great Chinese vocabulary from last week-which are to puke Sun
But now, for Eyeko Polish - Polish for Cosmic space age nails, although the name is lala, but the nail polish I really love very much. The black and the shiny shiny shiny particles are just wonderful great :)

job is okay, you need two layers, but it's really very beautiful cover and glitzertflitzert in the possible colors
Here the order to. after one or two layers:
But what REALLY corrosive (and I mean, REALLY caustic) is on the nail lacquer, is the distance - it is simply an ordeal all the comic Gliterpartikel from the nail to scrape and quasi not nice .______.
But I'm me again for some time on it made and I hope that I called him on it can be first ^ ^
Sorry for the ridiculous focus was what tried on my camera. ;



Saturday, November 13, 2010

Does Vezon Kardas Bionicle Still Exist

Mama child

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It is hard to find the school alone the entire to throw budget to be a tutor for my sister not to neglect my hobbies and all the appointments and all the stress not to lose track. I was so relieved when my mother of their 3-week vacation Vietnam has come back home.

they brought me an elephant ring. In the summer holidays I have my Sun in Vietnam bought a ring and lost it before I left. It has really taken until eternity I've stopped with the Rumschmollen. My dear cousin
said now he would have found it with my cousin again, but I know full well that she bought me a new ring;)

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As my teachers yesterday were all sick and I therefore had no school, I took my new graphite pencils and finished my art homework:
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Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Wella Koleston Special Blonde Colour Chart

sometimes I would cry. Not because of me - because of other persons, families, fates.
Recently we were waiting at a traffic light and had to. Paul watched a woman and said "Mom, look at the woman who looks weird!".

I know this woman - or say that I know who she is and I know that she is an alcoholic and when I think about it I would cry.
This woman was once young, had dreams, a future before her, she was in love. My mom tells me how did this girl then looked forward to their wedding. And she got married, was determined very happy, got kids, this is the greatest happiness of all.
But at some point ... irgndwann has done something well, maybe she was unhappy, overwhelmed with the children, perhaps her husband was rarely at home ... something has happened ... and then has changed their lives.

And then I see it as going in one hand and a crutch in the other a bag and think.
Was she often thinks about her life? Whether they know very well what went wrong? Whether they would probably turn back the clock sometimes?
Then I cry, I want to imagine how they think about what they did to the children, that they think about lost time never comes again.

And then I think of how senseless we often give our time we were supposed to treat our loved ones. A friend of ours once said the phrase: "We are here not lead a sample of life" and he's right. We only have one life, and love above all, we spend only this one life to spend time with others, to laugh, to hug, to admit mistakes, entschludigen is to forgive someone ..

There is only this one life and we should use it well, otherwise we stand before our Creator one day look back and sad ... but then you can not change it