Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Pocket Fold Envelopes To Order Austin Tx

Korean ~

Hiya, I

the past weeks has been quite "busy" and have so far ordered from Korea via Ebay - Uiuiui it is just so sweet. Here
times the things at a glance:
Unfortunately you can not compare the stuff priced goods with China, but the quality is of course in any case.
I must say that more than half is really unnecessary - but whatever.
first Post-It sticker, very unnecessary, but very cute: 3 €
second Timer - schööön! : Around 17 € including shipping
third Index sticker in as kitschy shapes and colors: 3 €
4th Pencil Character: 13 €
5th Cable Winder bear thing: 5 €

The following are the Ebay stores are no longer white and by whom is what:

I think for the stickers, etc. I will always be stingy or frugal than that I will use them up completely, but who knows ^ ^

few close-ups here:

Find Cable Winder somehow especially useful
makes the cable which is shorter and there is no major cable clutter.
War yesterday at Primark, the yield was rather poor, but what I bought, I will definitely post here again.
Did I Primark-Like Wedges fetched (there were not anymore Oo). . Are very comfortable
My new hobby has come today, I'm going to try on jewelry:)

dearest greetings LineLinaLinu


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