Sunday, June 27, 2010

Piano Music For Ron Pope Fireflies


I have found my ex-boyfriend from Scotland in the depths of the Internet. His message then gave me my opportunity to rummage and hervorzusuchen case letters in it.
indescribable what we find in it - so many cards from friends and family, letters to the family of me when I was in Scotland, of course, love letters ...

during, and after searching my various thoughts went through my head. Somehow I find it very sad that write the letters by the time of the Internet and the mails and of course lost the phone.
Is not it nice when one finds a card in his mailbox. When you receive a nice letter from friends. If they are then stored in a box and can see and read again and again. You can see who was out on vacation, which cities he has seen, you can laugh about funny cards, or simply touch the heart with especially love letters.
If you get an email, to print it out and then picks it up? I think not. Sometimes I delete it and it just does not disappear somewhere in the inbox ... and after a while but then it is deleted - too bad! Now when I

there have so read the several cards and letters, it occurred to me that it's quite easy to bring about the return.
And so I have the next day looking for a card and sent it to my cousin, who has sent me an infinite number of cards from his travels, and sometimes in between very dear and funny cards.
And will I continue. Here already is a list of who I want to write. And I will do in the coming weeks. And then I hope someone writes me back and I soon between invoices and advertising that one or the other card or maybe even find a letter.
And then come in my box and I can read again and again ...

Monday, June 14, 2010

Can Biaxin Help A Kidney Infection

be happy

is happy to be me right now very easily. Today I had one moment of happiness has taken me prisoner and I still smile.
My dear sister Angela and her very dear friend can be so now and then (0r a little more) down on us domestically. Today she had just arrived with me she took care to have a dinner for my two mice, and when we were there so together in the kitchen and I was overcome werkt such an indescribable feeling of happiness. It's like I always wanted. A family with children. Several children - and somehow the two are also my children when they are grown, too.

moments of happiness are so often in our lives. Unfortunately, we rarely take it as such and we should do it more consciously.
Since I have decided the year that this year will be my year of change, that falls to me so easily. I can not say exactly why this is so. It just happened - I rest in myself and am very satisfied.
I love the moments in the morning when Pia is next to me, and Paul, who often grins at me when he gets up and starts me with a "Good morning Mom!".
I enjoy the morning coffee break in our nice little coffee in St. Veit. The talks, the laughter, just the people around me. All that I always come back here or visit the office, just look for a coffee in, or spend the afternoon until the evening with me. Spontaneous nights at a wine tavern with the great people here.

While I'm sitting here in the garden and write and Greg comes to me and asks me if I want to drink .. the birds singing around me, my cat Flecki the excited playing with a spider, the dogs persistently with her snout to caress me try to move ..
It is good!

And I think we should focus much more on these moments and not to be considered the bad side of life. We encourage ourselves too much about things , which are unimportant. And should it really take life as it is and enjoy - but we have only this one ...